Public Key Infrastructure for devices

By José Pina Miranda | October 1, 2015 | 1 min. reading time

To support the ISO 27001 accreditation of a Public Key Infrastructure for devices, Devise Futures structured the documentation of the Certification Authorities (CA) according to the following document types:

  • Rules: Generic documents that allow defining both the context and concepts common to the operation of the various CAs held by the same entity;
  • Policies: Documents on a given topic (Certification practice statement, Certificate policies, etc.) specific to each of the CAs held by the same entity, which describe how that topic is observed in the practices of the CA;
  • Procedure: Documents (generic or specific to a CA) that contain instructions for performing a certain task (issuing a certificate, backup of the hardware used by the CA, etc.), used to define the sequence of execution of the ceremonies that can take place in the context of a given CA;
  • Forms: Documents that allow to record the entry and/or exit values ​​of a given ceremony or procedure;
  • Diagrams: Supporting documents that visually describe a certain concept, process or structure (e.g., the OID - Object Identifiers - used by a given CA) related to the installation, configuration, initialization or operation of the CA.

This methodology allows to make the documentation more compact, and facilitates its use and sharing between several CAs held by the same entity.