Test source code available for integration of SCMD (Signature CMD) service with DSS (Digital Signature Service)
By José Pina Miranda | May 1, 2020 | 1 min. reading time
Version 1.0 of the source code that allows testing of the integration of SCMD (Signature CMD) service with DSS (Digital Signature Service), using the python programming language (version 3), has been made available (at https://github.com/devisefutures/CMD_DSS_test).
Four code files are available:
- cmd_soap_msg.py - contains the functions that prepare and execute the SCMD SOAP commands;
- dss_rest_msg.py - contains the functions that prepare and execute the DSS REST commands;
- _signpdf_config.py - File that must be renamed to signpdf_config.py and where to place the ApplicationId provided by AMA, and the URL of the DSS rest server (in case of using your own server);
- signpdf_cli.py - CLI to sign a PDF file.
The source code is licensed under the GPL-3.0 license.