Devise Futures - IT Solutions, Lda joined the
- Centro de Informação de Consumo e Arbitragem do Porto - -, and
- CIAB – Centro de Informação, Mediação e Arbitragem de Consumo (Tribunal Arbitral de Consumo) - -,
with the following contacts:

In case of dispute the consumer can resort to one of these Dispute Resolution Entities. More information on Consumer Portal
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) offers a simple, fast and low-cost out-of-court solution to disputes between consumers and traders. ADR entities offer procedures for the out-of-court resolution of domestic and cross-border disputes concerning contractual obligations stemming from sales contracts or service contracts between a trader and a consumer, and proposes or imposes a solution or brings the parties together with the aim of facilitating an amicable solution.
When a dispute arises it is necessary that consumers are able to identify quickly which ADR entities are competent to deal with their complaint and to know whether or not the trader concerned will participate in proceedings submitted to an ADR entity. The Portuguese Law nº 144/2015 of 8 September 2015 and the Directive 2013/11/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 ensures that traders established on their territories inform consumers about the ADR entity or ADR entities by which those traders are covered, when those traders commit to or are obliged to use those entities to resolve disputes with consumers. That information shall include the website address of the relevant ADR entity or ADR entities.